When the Governess returns to the house, she finds that the whole family has gone to the market place to buy food. The Governess is not satisfied with the food she has been given, and she asks her husband what kind of food it is. He replies that it is "spit" and that she should "reflect father wants herself" . He tells her that she may as well "not to bother much" and leaves. When he returns, he finds that there is a pond in the yard and that there are still kois in
When the Governess returns to the house, she finds that the whole family has gone to the market place to buy food. The Governess is not satisfied with the food she has been given, and she asks her husband what kind of food it is. He replies that it is "spit" and that she should "reflect father wants herself" . He tells her that she may as well "not to bother much" and leaves. When he returns, he finds that there is a pond in the yard and that there are still kois in