Miriya And Marie

Miriya And Marie • Chapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker • Page ik-page-60600
Chapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker
This is a locked chapterChapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker
About This Chapter
The narrator introduces us to Monsieur pierre, a famous bread maker in Paris. He tells us that he's been dreaming of letting his family try his fresh bread, but he hasn't seen his family in a long time. He says that he doesn't know where his family lives, but that his family probably wants to see him, too. He's going to put some "magic" on the bread so that only his family will be able to eat it. The narrator says that the bread smells delicious, and that it tastes like "daddy's daddy" calling out to his family. The sound of the bread is like a thud, followed by a "bunch of mice" .
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Miriya And Marie

Miriya And Marie • Chapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker • Page ik-page-60600
Chapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker
This is a locked chapterChapter 24: The Renowned Bread Maker
About This Chapter
The narrator introduces us to Monsieur pierre, a famous bread maker in Paris. He tells us that he's been dreaming of letting his family try his fresh bread, but he hasn't seen his family in a long time. He says that he doesn't know where his family lives, but that his family probably wants to see him, too. He's going to put some "magic" on the bread so that only his family will be able to eat it. The narrator says that the bread smells delicious, and that it tastes like "daddy's daddy" calling out to his family. The sound of the bread is like a thud, followed by a "bunch of mice" .
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