Not Fated

Not Fated • Chapter Five • Page ik-page-2481995
Chapter Five
This is a locked chapterChapter Five
About This Chapter
The narrator asks how long he's been sheltered by his parents, and shizuku tells him that he is his "own secret weapon" . The narrator thanks his parents for their support, and says that he'll take leave of his parents the next time something comes up. He tells his parents that he wants to be an "omega talent" , and that he doesn't want to quit even when he gets old. He says that if the story gets out, it'll be the "end of everything," but if it's not, he won't be able to get rid of the photographer. He wants to know what's up tomorrow at 8 a.m. .
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Not Fated

Not Fated • Chapter Five • Page ik-page-2481995
Chapter Five
This is a locked chapterChapter Five
About This Chapter
The narrator asks how long he's been sheltered by his parents, and shizuku tells him that he is his "own secret weapon" . The narrator thanks his parents for their support, and says that he'll take leave of his parents the next time something comes up. He tells his parents that he wants to be an "omega talent" , and that he doesn't want to quit even when he gets old. He says that if the story gets out, it'll be the "end of everything," but if it's not, he won't be able to get rid of the photographer. He wants to know what's up tomorrow at 8 a.m. .
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