Not Fated

Not Fated • Chapter Four • Page ik-page-2481963
Chapter Four
This is a locked chapterChapter Four
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the new man from Kizaki is a "new kid from kizaki" who is "remarkably irresponsible" in his use of an omega-rich drink. The young man, whom we'll refer to as "Cherry Boy" because he's so young, tells us that he has never even dated anyone his own age, and that he doesn't even know how to react to an older man falling in love with him. He's a "cherry boy" , he says, and he has no idea how to respond to older men. Cherry Boy says that he spoke out loud, but that he is still 18 years old, and "totally serious" . He says that even if the police try to accuse him or sue him, he should run away from them, swayed by the "seed of suffering." Cherry Boy adds that he does not understand anything about Kizaki's "san," because he is from an "alpha family," and Kizaki was planning his own business when he was a student in college. "It's fine to talk to tajima about this, but now that it's happened, it feels like a trick," Cherry Boy tells us. "I wouldn't let it either way," he says. "If you fall for this cheap trick," he adds, "it's basically just like you've just signed up for this." He asks Cherry Boy what he would have done if he had known what was going on. "Con twitch," he asks, "ha sex," and "no thrust ah shake," he replies. "Don't an alpha!" . "What a nuisance," he concludes.
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Not Fated

Not Fated • Chapter Four • Page ik-page-2481963
Chapter Four
This is a locked chapterChapter Four
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the new man from Kizaki is a "new kid from kizaki" who is "remarkably irresponsible" in his use of an omega-rich drink. The young man, whom we'll refer to as "Cherry Boy" because he's so young, tells us that he has never even dated anyone his own age, and that he doesn't even know how to react to an older man falling in love with him. He's a "cherry boy" , he says, and he has no idea how to respond to older men. Cherry Boy says that he spoke out loud, but that he is still 18 years old, and "totally serious" . He says that even if the police try to accuse him or sue him, he should run away from them, swayed by the "seed of suffering." Cherry Boy adds that he does not understand anything about Kizaki's "san," because he is from an "alpha family," and Kizaki was planning his own business when he was a student in college. "It's fine to talk to tajima about this, but now that it's happened, it feels like a trick," Cherry Boy tells us. "I wouldn't let it either way," he says. "If you fall for this cheap trick," he adds, "it's basically just like you've just signed up for this." He asks Cherry Boy what he would have done if he had known what was going on. "Con twitch," he asks, "ha sex," and "no thrust ah shake," he replies. "Don't an alpha!" . "What a nuisance," he concludes.
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