On a Leash

On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4355968
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336544
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336545
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336546
Season 1 Chapter 67
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 67
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's not sure what's going on, but he does know that a soldier has gone on a "runaway rampage" by himself. It turns out that the soldier administered illegal stimulants and other drugs to the rioters, and that he also messed with some of the drugs in the tent. The narrator says he threw the guy "too hard" because he thought he'd get attacked. He thanks the guy for blocking the beastman's attack, and he says he'll try to get the guy some new clothes. He also says that the troops were ordered to drink the "drunken thud" , which is a drug that the soldiers are supposed to take. He wonders if there's something wrong with the drug, but the narrator doesn't think there is. He's just wondering if it's a problem. He says that if he asked a medical officer, the officer would tell him that there was no such thing as a "beastman" . He asks the narrator to tap him on the shoulder to thank him for his help, and the narrator says that he just got grazed on the thigh. He thinks that the smell of his previous battle was from the previous battle, so he'm not getting any injuries. He decides to switch branches and report the incident to his commander.
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On a Leash

On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4355968
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336544
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336545
On a Leash • Season 1 Chapter 67 • Page ik-page-4336546
Season 1 Chapter 67
This is a locked chapterSeason 1 Chapter 67
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's not sure what's going on, but he does know that a soldier has gone on a "runaway rampage" by himself. It turns out that the soldier administered illegal stimulants and other drugs to the rioters, and that he also messed with some of the drugs in the tent. The narrator says he threw the guy "too hard" because he thought he'd get attacked. He thanks the guy for blocking the beastman's attack, and he says he'll try to get the guy some new clothes. He also says that the troops were ordered to drink the "drunken thud" , which is a drug that the soldiers are supposed to take. He wonders if there's something wrong with the drug, but the narrator doesn't think there is. He's just wondering if it's a problem. He says that if he asked a medical officer, the officer would tell him that there was no such thing as a "beastman" . He asks the narrator to tap him on the shoulder to thank him for his help, and the narrator says that he just got grazed on the thigh. He thinks that the smell of his previous battle was from the previous battle, so he'm not getting any injuries. He decides to switch branches and report the incident to his commander.
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