This chapter opens with a tap tapping on the door. It's Rosalind's turn to cry out, "I'm saved! She kept touching me!" . The servant tells her to go outside and play with her dog. Rosalind is all, "Hey, I'm back! I want to go home!" , and the dog runs off to find her husband. Rosalind tells the servant to take her outside and let her play. She's so happy to see her dog, and she
This chapter opens with a tap tapping on the door. It's Rosalind's turn to cry out, "I'm saved! She kept touching me!" . The servant tells her to go outside and play with her dog. Rosalind is all, "Hey, I'm back! I want to go home!" , and the dog runs off to find her husband. Rosalind tells the servant to take her outside and let her play. She's so happy to see her dog, and she