
Dorara • Chapter 4: Ending the Night • Page ik-page-1836692
Chapter 4: Ending the Night
This is a locked chapterChapter 4: Ending the Night
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy by the Duke of Guatamala in which he laments the fact that the people of the country are no longer loyal to him. He laments that the country has become a "rotten heap" and that he has no place in it. The Duke then goes on to say that he will rebuild the country with the help of the revolution, but that the differences between the people will never be forgotten. As time passes, however, the gap between people of different races widens, and the citizens become suspicious of their own neighbor. The citizens are afraid of the dragon descents, which tighten the grip on the people by making them suspicious of the royal family. These heroes of justice emerge from the darkness at its deepest. He wishes the Duke luck in his plan to make the country great again
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Dorara • Chapter 4: Ending the Night • Page ik-page-1836692
Chapter 4: Ending the Night
This is a locked chapterChapter 4: Ending the Night
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy by the Duke of Guatamala in which he laments the fact that the people of the country are no longer loyal to him. He laments that the country has become a "rotten heap" and that he has no place in it. The Duke then goes on to say that he will rebuild the country with the help of the revolution, but that the differences between the people will never be forgotten. As time passes, however, the gap between people of different races widens, and the citizens become suspicious of their own neighbor. The citizens are afraid of the dragon descents, which tighten the grip on the people by making them suspicious of the royal family. These heroes of justice emerge from the darkness at its deepest. He wishes the Duke luck in his plan to make the country great again
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