
Bitchhiker • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5144904
Bitchhiker • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5136792
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
It's the hot spring, and Hirokazu is so happy to see it. He's so excited that he's going to let them stay in his house for free. The narrator is bummed out that she doesn't have her glasses with her, but she's glad that she brought him. She's also bummed that she can't really see anything, because she can only see a tiny part of the sky. She tells the narrator to get away, but he promises to give her a room if she'll come back with him. He promises to do so, and the narrator is all, "Sure, we'll help you stay over!" . But the narrator isn't so sure about that. She says that everyone in her family is cheap, so she'd rather have the cheapest one. She also says that the man with her glasses is her type, because he looks serious like her, and he'll be able to help them out. She asks the man to stop, but the man says that he has to carry the glasses to the hall, and
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Bitchhiker • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5144904
Bitchhiker • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5136792
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
It's the hot spring, and Hirokazu is so happy to see it. He's so excited that he's going to let them stay in his house for free. The narrator is bummed out that she doesn't have her glasses with her, but she's glad that she brought him. She's also bummed that she can't really see anything, because she can only see a tiny part of the sky. She tells the narrator to get away, but he promises to give her a room if she'll come back with him. He promises to do so, and the narrator is all, "Sure, we'll help you stay over!" . But the narrator isn't so sure about that. She says that everyone in her family is cheap, so she'd rather have the cheapest one. She also says that the man with her glasses is her type, because he looks serious like her, and he'll be able to help them out. She asks the man to stop, but the man says that he has to carry the glasses to the hall, and
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