Time Stopper ~Being Naughty with You~ • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5167084
Time Stopper ~Being Naughty with You~ • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5115708
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the day before, when Hirokazu and Akatsuki were helping each other out with their new clothes. Akira was helping Akuma out with his new clothes, and he told her that he was sorry for the kiss, and that he had apologized for some other things, too. He was grateful for her kindness, and she thanked him for his help. She then asks him if he would like to share his umbrella with her. He replies that he would, but that he left his umbrella at home in a hurry, so he wouldn't have time to talk to her.
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Time Stopper ~Being Naughty with You~ • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5167084
Time Stopper ~Being Naughty with You~ • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5115708
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the day before, when Hirokazu and Akatsuki were helping each other out with their new clothes. Akira was helping Akuma out with his new clothes, and he told her that he was sorry for the kiss, and that he had apologized for some other things, too. He was grateful for her kindness, and she thanked him for his help. She then asks him if he would like to share his umbrella with her. He replies that he would, but that he left his umbrella at home in a hurry, so he wouldn't have time to talk to her.
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