Tales Of Yvertia

Tales Of Yvertia • Where it all begins • Page ik-page-5052832
Where it all begins
This is a locked chapterWhere it all begins
About This Chapter
The guys are back on the ship, but they've still got a long way to go before they can figure out what's going on in the new world. First, though, they need to get back to where they started. They're about to start a game, but the game freezes up and won't let them start. The only thing that's responding is the mouse, so they're going to have to shut the game down and start all over again.
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Tales Of Yvertia

Tales Of Yvertia • Where it all begins • Page ik-page-5052832
Where it all begins
This is a locked chapterWhere it all begins
About This Chapter
The guys are back on the ship, but they've still got a long way to go before they can figure out what's going on in the new world. First, though, they need to get back to where they started. They're about to start a game, but the game freezes up and won't let them start. The only thing that's responding is the mouse, so they're going to have to shut the game down and start all over again.
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