A Complicated Omega’s Second Love • Gap • Page ik-page-5058144
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It's been a while since the two of them have had sex, and now that we're back in the present, it's time for us to take a look at what's going down between the two men. We're starting to get a little worried about what the heck is going on, because we've heard all about the "gap" between when the two are hot and when they're not. The narrator is worried that he's being too hard on the guy. He's also worried that the guy is being too soft on him. He wants to make sure that he doesn't push the guy too hard, but he also wants to be able to have sex with the guy when he wants it. So, he asks the guy if he'd like to do it more often. The guy says he'll do it if they just increase the amount of times they do it during the hot time. He says that's a good idea, because it'll cut down on the gap between the time they have sex and the time when they don't. He also says that he can't do it all the time, because he needs to work on his sex drive. But, he says, if they do more, it will cut down the gap.
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A Complicated Omega’s Second Love • Gap • Page ik-page-5058144
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About This Chapter
It's been a while since the two of them have had sex, and now that we're back in the present, it's time for us to take a look at what's going down between the two men. We're starting to get a little worried about what the heck is going on, because we've heard all about the "gap" between when the two are hot and when they're not. The narrator is worried that he's being too hard on the guy. He's also worried that the guy is being too soft on him. He wants to make sure that he doesn't push the guy too hard, but he also wants to be able to have sex with the guy when he wants it. So, he asks the guy if he'd like to do it more often. The guy says he'll do it if they just increase the amount of times they do it during the hot time. He says that's a good idea, because it'll cut down on the gap between the time they have sex and the time when they don't. He also says that he can't do it all the time, because he needs to work on his sex drive. But, he says, if they do more, it will cut down the gap.
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