The scene opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Seto. Hiroshi tells Seto that he has decided to leave the company and go to work for another company. He asks Seto if he would like to go with him. Seto says that he would rather go with Hiroshi than with his old boss, but Hiroshi says that it would be selfish of him to do so since he is opinionated. He tells Hiroshi that he is bringing Hiroshi with him on business trips to greet clients. When Hiroshi asks why he didn't show him first, Hiroshi replies that he was the only one who knows the side of his boss that he doesn't know. He says that with such strict boss, it is nice when he is not around. He explains that he can do the same job in one month as Hiroshi can do in a year. He also says that after a year, he received a photo of his new boss and thought that it was a good time to return to the company. After about a year he was transferred to sales. He thinks that there are companies out there that would like him, but he is worried that he will be made to fall for Hiroshi. He decides to stop laughing and explain himself.
The scene opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Seto. Hiroshi tells Seto that he has decided to leave the company and go to work for another company. He asks Seto if he would like to go with him. Seto says that he would rather go with Hiroshi than with his old boss, but Hiroshi says that it would be selfish of him to do so since he is opinionated. He tells Hiroshi that he is bringing Hiroshi with him on business trips to greet clients. When Hiroshi asks why he didn't show him first, Hiroshi replies that he was the only one who knows the side of his boss that he doesn't know. He says that with such strict boss, it is nice when he is not around. He explains that he can do the same job in one month as Hiroshi can do in a year. He also says that after a year, he received a photo of his new boss and thought that it was a good time to return to the company. After about a year he was transferred to sales. He thinks that there are companies out there that would like him, but he is worried that he will be made to fall for Hiroshi. He decides to stop laughing and explain himself.