Back at the inn, the innkeeper tells the group that it's time for them to go for a swim. He tells them that if they're tired, they can dip in the "open air bath" , which is basically a pool of fresh water. He warns them that there aren't as many people in the pool as there used to be, so if they act unnaturally, they'll attract more attention. He then tells them to grab a stranger and "swung stroke k rgh" . That's right, he says, he'll be in the middle of a sexual encounter with a stranger.
Back at the inn, the innkeeper tells the group that it's time for them to go for a swim. He tells them that if they're tired, they can dip in the "open air bath" , which is basically a pool of fresh water. He warns them that there aren't as many people in the pool as there used to be, so if they act unnaturally, they'll attract more attention. He then tells them to grab a stranger and "swung stroke k rgh" . That's right, he says, he'll be in the middle of a sexual encounter with a stranger.