How to Convince Your Best Friend to Sleep With You • Chapter 21: End • Page ik-page-4815950
Chapter 21: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 21: End
About This Chapter
One year after the launch of the game, the guys are still wondering what to do with all the content they've accumulated. They've got an entire channel dedicated to their exploits, and they're getting a lot of requests for more content. One of the guys wants to know if they'll be showing more of their exploits in the future. The other guy wants to see if he can kiss someone in a sexy scene. The guys are all, "Sure, we'll show you more of our exploits when we get a ton of subscribers" .
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How to Convince Your Best Friend to Sleep With You • Chapter 21: End • Page ik-page-4815950
Chapter 21: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 21: End
About This Chapter
One year after the launch of the game, the guys are still wondering what to do with all the content they've accumulated. They've got an entire channel dedicated to their exploits, and they're getting a lot of requests for more content. One of the guys wants to know if they'll be showing more of their exploits in the future. The other guy wants to see if he can kiss someone in a sexy scene. The guys are all, "Sure, we'll show you more of our exploits when we get a ton of subscribers" .
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