The Centaur

The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4615675
The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4610610
The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4600686
Chapter 28
This is a locked chapterChapter 28
About This Chapter
Everyone runs off to find the monster. Martin tries to hide, but it's too late. There's another one under Martin, and he's about to shoot it when the ground starts to sink.
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The Centaur

The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4615675
The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4610610
The Centaur • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-4600686
Chapter 28
This is a locked chapterChapter 28
About This Chapter
Everyone runs off to find the monster. Martin tries to hide, but it's too late. There's another one under Martin, and he's about to shoot it when the ground starts to sink.
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