Elias The Cursed

Elias The Cursed • Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4381523
Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a description of the strange group of people who have come to the city of Tiji. They are led by a fat merchant, a woman doctor, and a knight who is looking for his true identity. The fat merchant tells them that the plague has struck the city and that they should burn the corpses. The woman doctor tells them not to do so, and the knight tells them to stay away from the city. They find the sorcerer, who has cast a spell on the city, and they find the empty captain of the city's guards. The knight tells the woman doctor that he will tell the king about the captain's identity when the king asks him why he did not help. He also tells her that the man's name is banifar, and that he knows many giants. The man says that the giants are docile and do not work very hard, and he will return to them. He tells the knight that the giant is better than the other fighters in the city because he is a better fighter than any of them. The captain says that they have won, and erases all of the debts they owe him. He says that he threw the body of the plague into the river to tell the soldiers about it, and thanks the stranger for his generosity. He adds that he has need of his services and that the king is no more. He asks the stranger to follow him to him, as he is not yet free. The stranger replies that they will have to execute the move only once
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Elias The Cursed

Elias The Cursed • Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4381523
Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 4
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a description of the strange group of people who have come to the city of Tiji. They are led by a fat merchant, a woman doctor, and a knight who is looking for his true identity. The fat merchant tells them that the plague has struck the city and that they should burn the corpses. The woman doctor tells them not to do so, and the knight tells them to stay away from the city. They find the sorcerer, who has cast a spell on the city, and they find the empty captain of the city's guards. The knight tells the woman doctor that he will tell the king about the captain's identity when the king asks him why he did not help. He also tells her that the man's name is banifar, and that he knows many giants. The man says that the giants are docile and do not work very hard, and he will return to them. He tells the knight that the giant is better than the other fighters in the city because he is a better fighter than any of them. The captain says that they have won, and erases all of the debts they owe him. He says that he threw the body of the plague into the river to tell the soldiers about it, and thanks the stranger for his generosity. He adds that he has need of his services and that the king is no more. He asks the stranger to follow him to him, as he is not yet free. The stranger replies that they will have to execute the move only once
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