Elias The Cursed

Elias The Cursed • Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2 • Page ik-page-4381495
Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2
About This Chapter
The two men meet in the forest, and elias tells him that he is handsome and that he will not be punished for his crimes. He tells the young man that he was to meet a strange traveler who appeared out of the legend of the lost kingdom. The traveler was named Racan, and he had come to rescue a group of travelers who had been attacked by wild beasts. The travelers had lost their goods and were in danger of being captured and killed. They decide to go to the swamps of Morgrove.
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Elias The Cursed

Elias The Cursed • Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2 • Page ik-page-4381495
Book 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2
This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Game of Celestial Beings, Part 2
About This Chapter
The two men meet in the forest, and elias tells him that he is handsome and that he will not be punished for his crimes. He tells the young man that he was to meet a strange traveler who appeared out of the legend of the lost kingdom. The traveler was named Racan, and he had come to rescue a group of travelers who had been attacked by wild beasts. The travelers had lost their goods and were in danger of being captured and killed. They decide to go to the swamps of Morgrove.
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