Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618506
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618507
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618508
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618509
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
In this short scene, sungkook asks changmin if he has changed his mind because of what he said last time. . He asks if he can work on the man he works for, and . he asks if this man is his co-worker. He then asks if the man has asked him to marry him just because he wants to escape from Sungkook. He says that he won't marry him because he's going to pay him back for what he did to him, and that he'll make him happy. He also asks if she has anything else to say. She says that she can leave now, but she can't because the man is waiting for her, and she doesn't want her to be alone. She also says that it's impossible for her to go home because she's waiting for the man she loves, and because she wants to avoid him. She wants to go to a hotel or a place where she can get away from him. But she also wants to talk freely over the phone, so she says she'll go to bed on the floor. She then asks . if he is being selfish, and he says yes. He wants to marry the woman he loves, but he also wants her to take care of him. He tells her that he took her clothes off, and when she turned over her clothes, she took off her tits. She's not afraid of him, he says.
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Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618506
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618507
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618508
Bad Brother's Wife [Mature] • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-4618509
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
In this short scene, sungkook asks changmin if he has changed his mind because of what he said last time. . He asks if he can work on the man he works for, and . he asks if this man is his co-worker. He then asks if the man has asked him to marry him just because he wants to escape from Sungkook. He says that he won't marry him because he's going to pay him back for what he did to him, and that he'll make him happy. He also asks if she has anything else to say. She says that she can leave now, but she can't because the man is waiting for her, and she doesn't want her to be alone. She also says that it's impossible for her to go home because she's waiting for the man she loves, and because she wants to avoid him. She wants to go to a hotel or a place where she can get away from him. But she also wants to talk freely over the phone, so she says she'll go to bed on the floor. She then asks . if he is being selfish, and he says yes. He wants to marry the woman he loves, but he also wants her to take care of him. He tells her that he took her clothes off, and when she turned over her clothes, she took off her tits. She's not afraid of him, he says.
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