I’ll Thrust At You Till You’re Full ~The Pure-Hearted Delinquent Devours As He Pleases!? • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-4313785
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
The Governess and the Governess's younger brother tease each other about the resemblance between the two of them, and the two begin to eat their way through the meal. The Governress notices that her brother's eyes are "much alike" , and she decides that he is an "acquainting" . She tells him that she will make him a "squid fritter," which is a type of seaweed salad, and then she tells him to "have this instead . . and be careful the next time ." She then tells her brother that he can come back later in the day as a "customers," or fried fish, and that she can have the prawns as snacks with "alco whoa," or beer. The two then discuss the possibility of having the prawns served with onion soup, which would be "hotter" than the hot ramen, and they decide that they will have to wait until the next day for the soup to cool down before they can serve it.
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I’ll Thrust At You Till You’re Full ~The Pure-Hearted Delinquent Devours As He Pleases!? • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-4313785
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
The Governess and the Governess's younger brother tease each other about the resemblance between the two of them, and the two begin to eat their way through the meal. The Governress notices that her brother's eyes are "much alike" , and she decides that he is an "acquainting" . She tells him that she will make him a "squid fritter," which is a type of seaweed salad, and then she tells him to "have this instead . . and be careful the next time ." She then tells her brother that he can come back later in the day as a "customers," or fried fish, and that she can have the prawns as snacks with "alco whoa," or beer. The two then discuss the possibility of having the prawns served with onion soup, which would be "hotter" than the hot ramen, and they decide that they will have to wait until the next day for the soup to cool down before they can serve it.
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