In this short scene, the audience is introduced to the main character, a shy rabbit named Hyouzaki, who is trying to escape his fate as a lowly meat-eater. He is so frightened by the sight of his prey that he trembles and trembles in terror. When he is finally able to shake free of his fear, he tells the waiter that he is sorry that he had to see him in such a state. The waiter, however, is not fooled, and tells him that he can have a bite of the rabbit's meat at a nearby restaurant. The shy rabbit is not impressed by the waiter's boastfulness, but he does admit that he has enjoyed the meal.
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to the main character, a shy rabbit named Hyouzaki, who is trying to escape his fate as a lowly meat-eater. He is so frightened by the sight of his prey that he trembles and trembles in terror. When he is finally able to shake free of his fear, he tells the waiter that he is sorry that he had to see him in such a state. The waiter, however, is not fooled, and tells him that he can have a bite of the rabbit's meat at a nearby restaurant. The shy rabbit is not impressed by the waiter's boastfulness, but he does admit that he has enjoyed the meal.