The Governess returns to the Governess's room to find that she has bumped her shoulder and is now back in her room. She asks her servant if he is drunk, and he says that he is not. She tells him that they are going to his room and that he should not be so hard on himself. He tells her that he had planned to get some action today, but that there were no chicks or "dicks" in his room. He asks why he is so hard, and she says that it is because he has delayed a boner. He says that the boner is supposed to mean that he has been delayed in getting
The Governess returns to the Governess's room to find that she has bumped her shoulder and is now back in her room. She asks her servant if he is drunk, and he says that he is not. She tells him that they are going to his room and that he should not be so hard on himself. He tells her that he had planned to get some action today, but that there were no chicks or "dicks" in his room. He asks why he is so hard, and she says that it is because he has delayed a boner. He says that the boner is supposed to mean that he has been delayed in getting