The next morning, the young master returns to report to the lieutenant that the general has gone to the academy. The lieutenant tells him that the entrance exam is the most difficult thing to pass at the academy, and that he will find out about the truth about the general's visit. The young master asks if he still has any spare rooms, and the lieutenant replies that it would be bad to catch a cold, so he goes to check out the items in his bags. He sees that the young man is soaked in the rain so he lent him his towel. He asks if the bag is safe, and is told that it is, but that the bag was made of wood, so the entry exam is not so difficult to damage
The next morning, the young master returns to report to the lieutenant that the general has gone to the academy. The lieutenant tells him that the entrance exam is the most difficult thing to pass at the academy, and that he will find out about the truth about the general's visit. The young master asks if he still has any spare rooms, and the lieutenant replies that it would be bad to catch a cold, so he goes to check out the items in his bags. He sees that the young man is soaked in the rain so he lent him his towel. He asks if the bag is safe, and is told that it is, but that the bag was made of wood, so the entry exam is not so difficult to damage