The voice of evan is right beside luna's ear. He's in the "4th holy place" , and luna is freaking out. He hears the voice of the demon , who's only there to save luna. Ooh, that's awesome. He wants to run away, but luna says he can't, because he's lost his soul in the 4th place. So he'll just go into his "soulless body" and die. Aww, luna, you're going to die, right? You're not going to be the only one who dies in this place. But you'll be the last one to die. So luna begs evan to save him, and he does. He kisses luna goodbye, and then he says goodbye again. And then luna asks evan what's up. He says he just saw the stage debut of the new movie, and it was super boring going by himself.
The voice of evan is right beside luna's ear. He's in the "4th holy place" , and luna is freaking out. He hears the voice of the demon , who's only there to save luna. Ooh, that's awesome. He wants to run away, but luna says he can't, because he's lost his soul in the 4th place. So he'll just go into his "soulless body" and die. Aww, luna, you're going to die, right? You're not going to be the only one who dies in this place. But you'll be the last one to die. So luna begs evan to save him, and he does. He kisses luna goodbye, and then he says goodbye again. And then luna asks evan what's up. He says he just saw the stage debut of the new movie, and it was super boring going by himself.