Peak Romance

Peak Romance • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2500547
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
"Who cares about him?" asks Tsugu, who has come to see the manager. He tells the manager that he doesn't need him anymore, and that everyone tells him not to hang with kei. He also tells him that he'll be able to have sex with him if he wants, since he's not pregnant yet. He says that if he had sex with her, it would be gross, since she's just joking that rape isn't gross anyway. He adds that he would be ashamed of people knowing his partner lived there, since that's what he knows, and he can find a better job elsewhere. He'll think of it, he says, and if he were pregnant, he could take care of the child on his own. He asks the manager if they're free for drinks, and the manager says that they'll probably be in heat soon. The manager tells him to chill out, because he has to go see kei right now, because the doctor won't give him the medicine he needs anymore. He complains that he has eight partners, so he can't spend all his time on kei, but he also knows that kei will stand by and watch over him when he needs it. He scolds the manager for dragging him along the way, and says that he wants to be his own man, not his friend. He apologizes, but says that in the future, he will still do what he wants.
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Peak Romance

Peak Romance • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2500547
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
"Who cares about him?" asks Tsugu, who has come to see the manager. He tells the manager that he doesn't need him anymore, and that everyone tells him not to hang with kei. He also tells him that he'll be able to have sex with him if he wants, since he's not pregnant yet. He says that if he had sex with her, it would be gross, since she's just joking that rape isn't gross anyway. He adds that he would be ashamed of people knowing his partner lived there, since that's what he knows, and he can find a better job elsewhere. He'll think of it, he says, and if he were pregnant, he could take care of the child on his own. He asks the manager if they're free for drinks, and the manager says that they'll probably be in heat soon. The manager tells him to chill out, because he has to go see kei right now, because the doctor won't give him the medicine he needs anymore. He complains that he has eight partners, so he can't spend all his time on kei, but he also knows that kei will stand by and watch over him when he needs it. He scolds the manager for dragging him along the way, and says that he wants to be his own man, not his friend. He apologizes, but says that in the future, he will still do what he wants.
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