Vampire Idol

Vampire Idol • Episode 14 • Page ik-page-4780478
Episode 14
This is a locked chapterEpisode 14
About This Chapter
Back at the shop, we find out that eric is in a hurry to go back to the vampire camp. We learn that he's a big fan of the Vampires, and that they've been listening to their music all day long at work. We also learn that vam's pride is a big deal to them.
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Vampire Idol

Vampire Idol • Episode 14 • Page ik-page-4780478
Episode 14
This is a locked chapterEpisode 14
About This Chapter
Back at the shop, we find out that eric is in a hurry to go back to the vampire camp. We learn that he's a big fan of the Vampires, and that they've been listening to their music all day long at work. We also learn that vam's pride is a big deal to them.
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