Chéri, My Destiny!

Chéri, My Destiny! • Bonus Stories • Page ik-page-1398213
Bonus Stories
This is a locked chapterBonus Stories
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Sojiro tries to convince himself that he's not in love with anyone. He's just eating too much chocolate, and he can't figure out why. So he tells himself to stop eating chocolate and just have a little bite out of him for once. Yay!
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Chéri, My Destiny!

Chéri, My Destiny! • Bonus Stories • Page ik-page-1398213
Bonus Stories
This is a locked chapterBonus Stories
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Sojiro tries to convince himself that he's not in love with anyone. He's just eating too much chocolate, and he can't figure out why. So he tells himself to stop eating chocolate and just have a little bite out of him for once. Yay!
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