The story begins with a brief description of the ancient Greek city of sparta, which was at war with the Persian Empire. The city was known for its military prowess, although it did not have any defensive walls. The protagonist, Diomedes, is a close friend of the city's leader, Pausanias, and he hopes to one day join the ranks of the demigods, but he quickly gives up. He enrolls at a facility called the pillar of Heracles, where only those with "noble blood" or "incredible luck" are allowed to enroll. He is currently away fighting against Persia, messenia, and thebes, and his identity is still a mystery. The narrator tells us that it was unthinkable for a city like sparta to allow itself to be destroyed by a foreign power. Diomedeus, however, is determined to become a soldier for the glory and honor of his city.
The story begins with a brief description of the ancient Greek city of sparta, which was at war with the Persian Empire. The city was known for its military prowess, although it did not have any defensive walls. The protagonist, Diomedes, is a close friend of the city's leader, Pausanias, and he hopes to one day join the ranks of the demigods, but he quickly gives up. He enrolls at a facility called the pillar of Heracles, where only those with "noble blood" or "incredible luck" are allowed to enroll. He is currently away fighting against Persia, messenia, and thebes, and his identity is still a mystery. The narrator tells us that it was unthinkable for a city like sparta to allow itself to be destroyed by a foreign power. Diomedeus, however, is determined to become a soldier for the glory and honor of his city.