System Crashers

System Crashers • Chapter 6: End • Page ik-page-1101614
Chapter 6: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 6: End
About This Chapter
Back at the factory, the doctor tells the kid that he's back in charge of the whole thing, and that they're going to use him as a key to complete the rest of the project. The kid is all, "I'm so happy to be back in control of my own destiny" . The doctor tells him not to worry, though, because he'll be back soon enough.
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System Crashers

System Crashers • Chapter 6: End • Page ik-page-1101614
Chapter 6: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 6: End
About This Chapter
Back at the factory, the doctor tells the kid that he's back in charge of the whole thing, and that they're going to use him as a key to complete the rest of the project. The kid is all, "I'm so happy to be back in control of my own destiny" . The doctor tells him not to worry, though, because he'll be back soon enough.
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