Love Letter

Love Letter • 5th Letter • Page ik-page-1412205
5th Letter
This is a locked chapter5th Letter
About This Chapter
This is the fifth letter of the story, and it's about a girl named Nandya who's been seeing a guy named Sekarlita for two days. She hasn't returned his book or his pencil case either, and he's worried that she's having an affair with someone else. He asks her what's going on, and she doesn't know what to make of it. He tells her that the guy he'd been seeing is his neighbor, and they've been talking about it all morning, but they haven't been able to come up with a solution to the problem. He says he'll go see her tomorrow, and then he can figure out a way to get her to tell him what happened.
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Love Letter

Love Letter • 5th Letter • Page ik-page-1412205
5th Letter
This is a locked chapter5th Letter
About This Chapter
This is the fifth letter of the story, and it's about a girl named Nandya who's been seeing a guy named Sekarlita for two days. She hasn't returned his book or his pencil case either, and he's worried that she's having an affair with someone else. He asks her what's going on, and she doesn't know what to make of it. He tells her that the guy he'd been seeing is his neighbor, and they've been talking about it all morning, but they haven't been able to come up with a solution to the problem. He says he'll go see her tomorrow, and then he can figure out a way to get her to tell him what happened.
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