My Unfriendly Manager • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176074
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
"Nutrition mate, nutrition mate light, fluttering, nourishing" is the title of this chapter, which is set in a dance studio. The narrator tells us that he has been working as a model for a long time, but that he is tired of it and wants to go back to being a dancer. He tells us he is afraid of falling in love with a man who works in the same industry as him. He says he has decided not to let himself fall in love even with someone who is not his type, because he does not want to fall for someone who does not even look like him. As they are about to leave, two girls come up to them and ask to take a picture of them behind them. They want to take the picture of the two of them together, so they stop and wait for the narrator to get out of the car. The girl tells the narrator that she is looking forward to the upcoming film with him, and she says she is glad that they have a talented cast of actors instead of just "pretty faces" . She says she has been relying on her looks for her jobs, so she will work hard to improve her acting skills. She tells the girl that she would like to hear her voice help her return to the dance party, but the girl says that her manager will be coming to pick her up.
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My Unfriendly Manager • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176074
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
"Nutrition mate, nutrition mate light, fluttering, nourishing" is the title of this chapter, which is set in a dance studio. The narrator tells us that he has been working as a model for a long time, but that he is tired of it and wants to go back to being a dancer. He tells us he is afraid of falling in love with a man who works in the same industry as him. He says he has decided not to let himself fall in love even with someone who is not his type, because he does not want to fall for someone who does not even look like him. As they are about to leave, two girls come up to them and ask to take a picture of them behind them. They want to take the picture of the two of them together, so they stop and wait for the narrator to get out of the car. The girl tells the narrator that she is looking forward to the upcoming film with him, and she says she is glad that they have a talented cast of actors instead of just "pretty faces" . She says she has been relying on her looks for her jobs, so she will work hard to improve her acting skills. She tells the girl that she would like to hear her voice help her return to the dance party, but the girl says that her manager will be coming to pick her up.
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