The Most Photogenic Dick at the Gay Party • Chapter 9: End • Page ik-page-5149608
The Most Photogenic Dick at the Gay Party • Chapter 9: End • Page ik-page-5136772
Chapter 9: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 9: End
About This Chapter
The narrator delivers a soliloquy about the "most photogenic dick" at the party. He compares the man to a lot of the men in the room. The narrator tells the man that he's hard to get out of, and that he reminds him of a "lot of you" . The man, however, doesn't seem to be having any of this. He's just getting out of a sexual encounter with another man. He says that the man's "pants are moving a lot" , and he wants to "prick" the man with his own body. He wants to slap the man, but the man won't let him do it, and so he slaps the man. Then the man slaps him, and the narrator says that it's so good that he "pissed his self." The man says that he didn't realize it was a "sex stream," and that if he did, he'd be "too self conscious" to do it. He also says that if the man hated him so much, he should have just said it out loud, and then he would have "dealt with my debt" on his own. This is the first time the narrator has ever heard anyone say such things to him. He asks the man what's wrong with him now that he has " plowed his ass," and the man tells him to "explain."
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The Most Photogenic Dick at the Gay Party • Chapter 9: End • Page ik-page-5149608
The Most Photogenic Dick at the Gay Party • Chapter 9: End • Page ik-page-5136772
Chapter 9: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 9: End
About This Chapter
The narrator delivers a soliloquy about the "most photogenic dick" at the party. He compares the man to a lot of the men in the room. The narrator tells the man that he's hard to get out of, and that he reminds him of a "lot of you" . The man, however, doesn't seem to be having any of this. He's just getting out of a sexual encounter with another man. He says that the man's "pants are moving a lot" , and he wants to "prick" the man with his own body. He wants to slap the man, but the man won't let him do it, and so he slaps the man. Then the man slaps him, and the narrator says that it's so good that he "pissed his self." The man says that he didn't realize it was a "sex stream," and that if he did, he'd be "too self conscious" to do it. He also says that if the man hated him so much, he should have just said it out loud, and then he would have "dealt with my debt" on his own. This is the first time the narrator has ever heard anyone say such things to him. He asks the man what's wrong with him now that he has " plowed his ass," and the man tells him to "explain."
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