Reborn as God of Destruction • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4980760
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a conversation between Oliver Twist and the Governess. The Governess admires Oliver's gumption and tells him that she admires his gumption too. She gives him a card, which she plans to use to blackmail Oliver into revealing the identity of his lover.
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Reborn as God of Destruction • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4980760
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from a conversation between Oliver Twist and the Governess. The Governess admires Oliver's gumption and tells him that she admires his gumption too. She gives him a card, which she plans to use to blackmail Oliver into revealing the identity of his lover.
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