Endless After-School Honey • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5122793
Endless After-School Honey • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5113661
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator and the other students are on their way to the school's graduation, and they ask Mr. Mogi to chaperone them. The narrator is bummed that he's not allowed to chaperone the trip, but he thinks it's great that they're getting to go on a vacation. He's also glad that they asked him to chaperone, because he'd be grumpy if he didn't. He also thinks that Mogi and the students are always together, and he thinks that's why Mogi smiles so much. The girls are gossiping about the two of them going out, and the narrator doesn't want them to go ahead by themselves. He wants to go by himself, but Mogi says he'll come with him. They're going to the hotel, but the narrator wants to see what's going on behind them. He sees the two teachers kissing, and thinks that they should go ahead and kiss too.
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Endless After-School Honey • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5122793
Endless After-School Honey • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5113661
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator and the other students are on their way to the school's graduation, and they ask Mr. Mogi to chaperone them. The narrator is bummed that he's not allowed to chaperone the trip, but he thinks it's great that they're getting to go on a vacation. He's also glad that they asked him to chaperone, because he'd be grumpy if he didn't. He also thinks that Mogi and the students are always together, and he thinks that's why Mogi smiles so much. The girls are gossiping about the two of them going out, and the narrator doesn't want them to go ahead by themselves. He wants to go by himself, but Mogi says he'll come with him. They're going to the hotel, but the narrator wants to see what's going on behind them. He sees the two teachers kissing, and thinks that they should go ahead and kiss too.
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