I Confess to You in My Dreams... • Free Preview Chapter • Page ik-page-4352437
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The chapter opens with a description of Mr. Kishishima, who is described as "beautiful" and "handsome." He is also described as a "mama's boy" and a "total mama's son" . The narrator then tells us that he has not been seen in a long time, and that he does not seem to be in love with anyone. He does, however, have a "serious working face" , and the narrator notices that he seems to be "all smiles . . rubbing rub rub rustle . thump." She begins to notice him more and more, and she begins to worry that he is seeing someone. She asks him to organize a "welcome party" for the new year, and he agrees.
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I Confess to You in My Dreams... • Free Preview Chapter • Page ik-page-4352437
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About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of Mr. Kishishima, who is described as "beautiful" and "handsome." He is also described as a "mama's boy" and a "total mama's son" . The narrator then tells us that he has not been seen in a long time, and that he does not seem to be in love with anyone. He does, however, have a "serious working face" , and the narrator notices that he seems to be "all smiles . . rubbing rub rub rustle . thump." She begins to notice him more and more, and she begins to worry that he is seeing someone. She asks him to organize a "welcome party" for the new year, and he agrees.
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