In this chapter, we meet a young girl named Itsumi Tachibana, who has just arrived at school. She's super excited to meet her new crush, a guy named Fuji Udon, who's been hanging out at the cat cafe. She tells us that he's staring at her cat, and she's worried about what he'll do to her if he doesn't stop staring. But she also says that she has a crush on him, too, and that he loves her even more than she loves him. The two of them talk about how much he loves them, and how they're going to get to know each other better in the future.
In this chapter, we meet a young girl named Itsumi Tachibana, who has just arrived at school. She's super excited to meet her new crush, a guy named Fuji Udon, who's been hanging out at the cat cafe. She tells us that he's staring at her cat, and she's worried about what he'll do to her if he doesn't stop staring. But she also says that she has a crush on him, too, and that he loves her even more than she loves him. The two of them talk about how much he loves them, and how they're going to get to know each other better in the future.