In the final round of the singing competition, the girl who has won the prize of a million yen is ecstatic. She tells us that she has been dancing since she was three years old, and she has applied to be a part of a "mucky concert" . She says that she wants to share the stage with the other winners, and that she needs the money to support her family. The girl's brother, Hiroyuki, tells her that his father has come back from the war because he is worried about her. He tells the girl that she should not be discouraged because she will find a job when she turns 18.
In the final round of the singing competition, the girl who has won the prize of a million yen is ecstatic. She tells us that she has been dancing since she was three years old, and she has applied to be a part of a "mucky concert" . She says that she wants to share the stage with the other winners, and that she needs the money to support her family. The girl's brother, Hiroyuki, tells her that his father has come back from the war because he is worried about her. He tells the girl that she should not be discouraged because she will find a job when she turns 18.