This is the first of a series of short stories in which the main character is introduced. The first story introduces the reader to the protagonist, who asks the reader how to read a pandemic story if things never happen. He then asks the protagonist what he should eat for breakfast. The protagonist replies that he should have simple grilled fish for lunch. He tells the reader that it is too early to start preparing for lunch, but that he will be back soon. He also tells the protagonist that he has only been at the company for a year-and-a-half and that he hopes to be able to hire him again in the future. The next day, the protagonist sees the news that the coronavirus has spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization has declared a state of emergency and has called for everyone to stay indoors until the outbreak can be contained.
This is the first of a series of short stories in which the main character is introduced. The first story introduces the reader to the protagonist, who asks the reader how to read a pandemic story if things never happen. He then asks the protagonist what he should eat for breakfast. The protagonist replies that he should have simple grilled fish for lunch. He tells the reader that it is too early to start preparing for lunch, but that he will be back soon. He also tells the protagonist that he has only been at the company for a year-and-a-half and that he hopes to be able to hire him again in the future. The next day, the protagonist sees the news that the coronavirus has spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization has declared a state of emergency and has called for everyone to stay indoors until the outbreak can be contained.