Shy Ninja

Shy Ninja • Shy Ninja, Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3428925
Shy Ninja, Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterShy Ninja, Chapter 6
About This Chapter
The next morning, Dr. Rivers arrives at the villanuevas' house. He's there to find out what's going on with the kids. He tells them that he's here to steal their high jump, which is three times their normal height. He also tells them about the karate camp they're going to be at the next day. He says he'll have his mom back tomorrow, and that he doesn't want to be seen staring at her while she's gone. He warns them to use "emergent technologies" , such as a "signal blocker" or a "faraday shield," to make sure they can't see each other. He then explains that the "scan" of the child's dna identified her as a parent. She's also stressed out, and her heart is beating faster than usual. She begs to be taken with her, but Dr. Rivest tells her that she'll be mad when she hears about it. She says she wants to "see the world for herself" . She wants to know what Dr. Dysart wants to do with her. He wants to kill her, she says, and she wants him to take her with him. She tells him to "take care of you," and he promises to do so.
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Shy Ninja

Shy Ninja • Shy Ninja, Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3428925
Shy Ninja, Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterShy Ninja, Chapter 6
About This Chapter
The next morning, Dr. Rivers arrives at the villanuevas' house. He's there to find out what's going on with the kids. He tells them that he's here to steal their high jump, which is three times their normal height. He also tells them about the karate camp they're going to be at the next day. He says he'll have his mom back tomorrow, and that he doesn't want to be seen staring at her while she's gone. He warns them to use "emergent technologies" , such as a "signal blocker" or a "faraday shield," to make sure they can't see each other. He then explains that the "scan" of the child's dna identified her as a parent. She's also stressed out, and her heart is beating faster than usual. She begs to be taken with her, but Dr. Rivest tells her that she'll be mad when she hears about it. She says she wants to "see the world for herself" . She wants to know what Dr. Dysart wants to do with her. He wants to kill her, she says, and she wants him to take her with him. She tells him to "take care of you," and he promises to do so.
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