Sakurai, the year-old student at the school, has been hired as an assistant to the head chef at a secret restaurant. He is nervous about his new job, but he is happy to be working in such a prestigious establishment. He drinks some herbal tea and tells himself that the smell of the food is so good that it makes him feel like he is floating in the air. The assistant tells him that he must learn how to prepare the food for the main dish, but Sakurai does not know how to do this. He feels that his body is getting hotter and hotter, and he wants to be more attentive to his lady.
Sakurai, the year-old student at the school, has been hired as an assistant to the head chef at a secret restaurant. He is nervous about his new job, but he is happy to be working in such a prestigious establishment. He drinks some herbal tea and tells himself that the smell of the food is so good that it makes him feel like he is floating in the air. The assistant tells him that he must learn how to prepare the food for the main dish, but Sakurai does not know how to do this. He feels that his body is getting hotter and hotter, and he wants to be more attentive to his lady.