Falling for My Boss • Chapter 51 • Page ik-page-3412760
Chapter 51
This is a locked chapterChapter 51
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the first day of Renminbi's study at the university. It is a 100th day since the beginning of their relationship, and Rendu insists that they celebrate. He tells chengxi that he has given him a gift that is too expensive for him to accept, and he tells him that he must accept the gift from now on. Rendu then tells him to eat slowly, as he is "inexplicably hungry.
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Falling for My Boss • Chapter 51 • Page ik-page-3412760
Chapter 51
This is a locked chapterChapter 51
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the first day of Renminbi's study at the university. It is a 100th day since the beginning of their relationship, and Rendu insists that they celebrate. He tells chengxi that he has given him a gift that is too expensive for him to accept, and he tells him that he must accept the gift from now on. Rendu then tells him to eat slowly, as he is "inexplicably hungry.
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