Dark Metro

Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5396
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5397
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5398
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5399
Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya
This is a locked chapterVol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new kind of being: the "line shibuyas" . In other words, we're introduced to the kind of human beings who live beneath the surface of the earth. We're also introduced to some of the characters that we've already seen in this chapter. The "line" is a group of humans who live underground, and they're all freaking out. They're freaking out because they've been trampled on by the "living once more," and they don't know what to do about it. The humans are freaking out for no reason, because the "guide of the underworld" is going to kill them. The line is freaking out, too, because it's not cool to kill people who've still got their burning souls burning. The guide is freaking us out because he's going to protect those who still want to live, even if it means that they'll be killed. He's just going to keep burning their souls alive, right? The line isn't going to let him kill them, though, because there's a law that says that fellow humans can't kill each other in the same way. So the line is just trying to protect the living, even though it means killing them. It's kind of a bummer that the guide has to stand around and watch people die. The only thing he can do is offer up his whole being in exchange for the right to live in the underworld. That way, he says, he can protect the "flames of life," even if they disappear.
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Dark Metro

Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5396
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5397
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5398
Dark Metro • Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya • Page ik-page-5399
Vol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya
This is a locked chapterVol.3 Chapter XIII: Fukutoshin Line Shibuya
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new kind of being: the "line shibuyas" . In other words, we're introduced to the kind of human beings who live beneath the surface of the earth. We're also introduced to some of the characters that we've already seen in this chapter. The "line" is a group of humans who live underground, and they're all freaking out. They're freaking out because they've been trampled on by the "living once more," and they don't know what to do about it. The humans are freaking out for no reason, because the "guide of the underworld" is going to kill them. The line is freaking out, too, because it's not cool to kill people who've still got their burning souls burning. The guide is freaking us out because he's going to protect those who still want to live, even if it means that they'll be killed. He's just going to keep burning their souls alive, right? The line isn't going to let him kill them, though, because there's a law that says that fellow humans can't kill each other in the same way. So the line is just trying to protect the living, even though it means killing them. It's kind of a bummer that the guide has to stand around and watch people die. The only thing he can do is offer up his whole being in exchange for the right to live in the underworld. That way, he says, he can protect the "flames of life," even if they disappear.
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